No need for a coin laundry. Kyoto laundry service

Wash and fold + Dry Laundry



Beautifully washed at our directly managed cleaning factory.

Dry cleaning


We perform high-quality cleaning tailored to the material.



Delivered beautifully folded so you can store it as is or wear it.


Order now

No coin laundry required
A new way of washing laundryWash and fold + Dry

Difference between general “wash and fold” and “Fuwarabo”

〇 General "wash and fold" service 

① [Washing] Wash the 'laundry' that has been entrusted to you by the customer
② [Fold] “Fold” and return washed and driedclothes
◎In the case of laundry service “Fwarabo”(Wash and fold + Dry)

① [Washing] Wash the 'laundry' that has been entrusted to you by the customer
② [Dry] Clothes that require drying will becleaned.
③ [Fold] “Fold” and return washed and driedclothes

The laundry service ``Fwarabo'' is characterized by the ability to perform ``Dry Cleaning'' in addition to the general Wash and Fold service. Please try our new "laundry service" service that does not require a coin laundry.

Coin laundry(laundromat) may seem convenient, but they really aren't.

〇When washing at a coin laundry 

①Collect the laundry. (Put it in your bag or basket)
② Transport the laundry to the coin laundry by car, bicycle, or hand.
③Put the laundry in the washing machine and wait at the coin laundry.
④ Put the laundry in the dryer and wait at the coin laundry.
⑤Collect the finished laundry and put it in a bag or basket.
⑥ Transport your laundry by car, bicycle, or hand.
⑦Fold your laundry at home and store it in a costume case, etc.
In fact, we repeat an extremely large number of processes (work). (Requires about 1 to 2 hours)

◎In the case of wash and fold+Dry “Fuwarabo”

① Pack the laundry. (Put it in your bag)
All you have to do is wait for the finished product to arrive at your home (delivery and delivery boxes are also OK). 1 easy step without the need for a coin laundry♪
No need for a coin laundry.

Wash and fold + Dry bag size

The L size can hold more than 30 clothes in addition to accessories such as underwear and socks. (If all the items are thick, it will be less than the standard)
M size can hold more than 15 clothes in addition to accessories such as underwear and socks. (If all the items are thick, it will be less than the standard)

Wide variety of payment methods/Credit cards accepted.


Web order

Required fields
Your Name
Hotel name
Room number
Email address
What size is the bag?
When to pick up
※Closed on Sundays

Wash and fold+Dry「Fuwarabo」
Compatible area KyotoKyoto Japan

Nakagyo Ward

Kyoto City Nakagyo Ward

京都市 中京区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Kyoto city.
Shimogyo Ward

Kyoto City Shimogyo Ward

京都市 下京区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Minami Ward

Kyoto City Minami Ward

京都市 南区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Ukyo Ward

Kyoto City Ukyo Ward

京都市 右京区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Sakyo Ward

Kyoto City Sakyo Ward

京都市 左京区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Kamigyo Ward

Kyoto City Kamigyo Ward

京都市 上京区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Nishikyo Ward

Kyoto City Nishikyo Ward

京都市 西京区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Higashiyama Ward

Kyoto City Higashiyama Ward

京都市 東山区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Fushimi Ward

Kyoto City Fushimi Ward

京都市 伏見区
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Kasagi Town

Arashiyama sagano e

No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Kyotanabe City

Kyoto Prefecture Kyotanabe City

京都府 京田辺市
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Kyoto Pref.
Uji City

Kyoto Prefecture Uji City

京都府 宇治市
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Joyo City

Kyoto Prefecture Joyo City

京都府 城陽市
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Yawata City

Kyoto Prefecture Yawata City

京都府 八幡市
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Kizugawa City

Kyoto Prefecture Kizugawa City

京都府 木津川市
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Seika Town

Soraku District Seika Town

相楽郡 精華町
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Ujitawara Town

Tsuzuki District Ujitawara Town

綴喜郡 宇治田原町
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

Kumiyama Town

Kuse District Kumiyama Town

久世郡 久御山町
No need for coin laundry(Laundormat)

コインランドリー 探す 行く 必要無し 洗濯代行 ふわらぼ 公式YoutubeFuwarabo Official YouTube.
